The Google Panda Update rocked the world of SEO and it still impacts websites today

In this article, I’m going to cover the entire history of the update and what you need to know about the GooglePanda Update now.

Google Panda Update – SEO Background

.First, you need a little background on the history of SEO

{Prior to|Just before|Ahead of} we get into the impact of Panda, {a few|discussing|why don't we} lay {just a little|slightly|a bit} SEO {research|foot work|footwork}.

Pre-Panda, SEO was a much dirtier business, and the good guys (high-quality sites) didn't always {earn|succeed|get} in the search {ratings|ranks|search positions}.

As increasing numbers of irrelevant, plagiarized or {normally|in any other case|usually} low-quality content emerged, bad pages {started out|commenced} to {exceed|out number} good ones in the {search engine results|google search|listings}.

To combat the web-spam, Google needed a new update.

Enter Yahoo Panda Update - What is and {Exactly what does|How much does} it Do?
Panda {will probably|will more than likely} go down in history as one of Google's most famous updates.

Introduced in February 2011 (and {also called|also referred to as|often known as} the "Farmer" update), Panda's main goal was to improve user experience by ridding {the very best|the most notable|the best} search {places|areas|locations} of web-spam pages. {Particularly|Especially}, by punishing sites with low-quality content and {satisfying|fulfilling|worthwhile} sites with fresh, {top quality|superior quality|premium quality} content.

{The brand new|The newest|The modern} update and accompanying algorithm took into account a website's reputation, design, load speed, and user interface, all in an attempt to produce more results more in line with human {surfing around|surfing|looking} habits.

While it {worked well|proved helpful|performed} to produce better results, Panda simultaneously targeted lower-quality sites by lowering their rank in search {motors|machines|search engines}.

 {The way the|How a} Google Panda {Upgrade|Revise|Bring up to date} Affected Websites
The results of Panda were far-reaching - and still being felt by many companies today.

{The first|The original|Your initial} update in 2011 impacted roughly 12% of the search {questions|concerns|inquiries}, meaning that 12% of the rankings in Yahoo changed drastically.

It was felt especially hard by major content farms including About. com, eHow, Require Media and Yahoos {Connected|Linked|Affiliated} Content.

Here's the kicker: estimates show more than 80% of sites that were negatively {afflicted|damaged} by the Panda update {continue to be|remain} coping with losses.

And that's only the first update.

Google Panda {Upgrade|Revise|Bring up to date} Timeline
Panda has recently been through frequent updates as its introduction in 2011. Here's {all you need|everything required} to know about its changes over time.

One thing to note {moving in|choosing|going into}: you'll see the words refresh {increase|enhance|improve} pop up quite a bit.

A refresh is when Google {experiences|undergoes|goes thru} and looks at all the sites {on the net|online} again, and test them {up against the|resistant to the} {Content quality google|Grupo|Farmer} algorithm. An update is an actual change to the Panda algorithm.

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